5-star rating
from 500+ women

Allergy & Food Explorer IGG/and IGE

Measure antibodies to commonly consumed foods and environmental allergens

5 Star Rating
from 500+ women

With an Allergy & Food Explorer IGG/and IGE test, you can effectively measure:

  • IgE/IgG antibodies to allergens, such as foods, pollen, dust mites, and animal dander
  • Allergies to pollen, dust mites and animal dander
  • Total IgE levels in the blood
  • Allergy severity
  • Cross-reactivity between allergens
  • Food intolerances or sensitivities
  • The potential for allergic reactions to medications

More about this test

The test can also be helpful for people who are trying to improve their overall health andwell-being. The results of the test can provide valuable information about the digestive systemand the intestinal microbiome, which can help to identify any potential problems.

Comprehensive Stool Profile is a comprehensive test that can provide valuable information about the digestive system and the intestinal microbiome.