FemGevity Blog

Menopause Care

Hair Loss and Thinning: Strategies for Managing Changes in Hair Texture

Explore the causes of hair loss during menopause, including hormonal imbalances and aging. Discover strategies and treatments like Minoxidil, Androgen Blockers, and lifestyle changes to manage thinning hair and regain confidence.

Menopause is a natural biological process that occurs in women, typically between the ages of 45 and 55, when the ovaries stop producing eggs, and hormone levels decrease. This transition can bring about a range of physical and emotional changes, including hair loss and thinning. Hair loss during menopause can be a distressing and embarrassing experience for many women, affecting their self-confidence and overall well-being.

Overview of Hair Loss and Thinning During Menopause

Hair loss during menopause is a common phenomenon, with approximately 40% of women experiencing hair thinning or loss during this stage. The hair loss can be gradual or sudden, and it may occur on the scalp, eyebrows, or even the entire body. The severity of hair loss varies from woman to woman, but it can be a significant concern for many.

Causes of Hair Loss During Menopause

Hormonal Imbalance

The primary cause of hair loss during menopause is hormonal imbalance. The decrease in estrogen levels leads to an increase in the production of androgens, such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These androgens can cause hair follicles to shrink, leading to thinner, shorter hair, and eventually, hair loss.

Aging and Lack of Estrogen

As women age, the levels of estrogen decrease, leading to a decline in hair growth and an increase in hair loss. Estrogen plays a crucial role in hair growth, and its deficiency can cause hair to become thinner, drier, and more prone to breakage.

Female Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenic Alopecia)

Female pattern hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, is a common condition that affects women during menopause. It is characterized by a receding hairline, thinning of hair on the crown, and a widening of the parting line

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a condition that causes excessive hair shedding, often due to hormonal changes, stress, or nutritional deficiencies. During menopause, the hormonal fluctuations can trigger telogen effluvium, leading to hair loss.


Certain medications, such as those used to treat depression, high blood pressure, and cancer, can cause hair loss as a side effect. These medications can disrupt hormone levels, leading to hair loss.

Skin Conditions

Skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis can cause hair loss, especially if they occur on the scalp. During menopause, the skin may become more prone to these conditions, leading to hair loss.

Strategies for Managing Hair Loss and Thinning

Reduce Stress

Stress can exacerbate hair loss during menopause. Engaging in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help minimize hair loss.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve overall health, and promote hair growth. Aerobic exercises, in particular, can increase blood flow to the scalp, promoting healthy hair growth.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly those that promote hair growth, can help manage hair loss. These include:

  • Vitamin C: essential for collagen production and hair growth
  • Vitamin E: promotes hair growth and protects against hair loss
  • Iron (Ferritin) : crucial for hair growth and maintenance
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: nourish the scalp and promote hair growth
  • Zinc: essential for hair growth and maintenance
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help keep the hair follicles healthy and promote hair growth. Dehydration can lead to dry, brittle hair, making it more prone to breakage.

Hair Masks for Hydration

Applying hydrating hair masks can help replenish moisture to the hair strands, improving their strength and resilience against breakage

Keep it Natural

Using gentle, natural hair care products can help minimize hair loss. Avoid using harsh chemicals, heat styling tools, and tight hairstyles that can damage the hair and scalp.

Cutting Back on Coloring and Processing

Chemical treatments like coloring, perming, and straightening can weaken the hair shaft and contribute to hair loss. Limiting these treatments or opting for gentler alternatives can help reduce damage to the hair.

Talk to Your Doctor About Treatment Options

It's essential to consult with a doctor to discuss the best treatment options for individual needs. They can help determine the underlying cause of hair loss and recommend appropriate treatments.

Treatment Options for Hair Loss During Menopause


Minoxidil is a topical solution that stimulates hair growth and slows down hair loss. It's available over-the-counter and can be applied directly to the scalp.

Androgen Blockers

Androgen blockers, such as spironolactone, can help reduce the production of androgens, which contribute to hair loss. These medications are often prescribed for female pattern hair loss.


Finasteride is another medication that can be used to treat hair loss. It works by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that contributes to hair loss.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help alleviate menopausal symptoms, including hair loss. However, HRT may not be suitable for everyone, and its effects on hair loss can vary.

Light Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or light-emitting diode (LED) therapy can stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. These treatments are available in clinics or as at-home devices.

Platelet-rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy involves injecting platelet-rich plasma into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. This treatment is often used in combination with other therapies.

Final Thoughts

Menopause can cause hair loss and thinning due to hormonal changes, aging, and other factors. Understanding the causes and implementing strategies to manage hair loss can help improve hair health and self-confidence. Treatment options are available, and it's essential to consult with a doctor to determine the best course of action.

Hair loss during menopause can be a distressing experience, but it's not a sign of aging or declining health. Women should not hesitate to seek help and support from healthcare professionals, friends, and family. With the right treatment and self-care strategies, it's possible to manage hair loss and regain confidence.

By understanding the causes of hair loss during menopause and implementing effective strategies, women can take control of their hair health and overall well-being. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help available.

Navigating Relationships During Menopause: Tips for Communication and Understanding

Discover how to manage menopause's impact on relationships with our guide. Learn effective communication strategies, empathy, and self-care tips to maintain a strong bond during this transition.

Menopause is a significant life transition that can bring about both physical and emotional changes for women. As women experience menopause, it not only affects them individually but also has an impact on their relationships, particularly within the context of marriage. In this article, we'll explore some valuable tips for managing menopause in a marriage, fostering understanding, support, and resilience.

Open Communication

The cornerstone of any successful relationship is open communication. Encourage a safe and judgment-free space for your partner to express their thoughts and feelings about menopause. Likewise, share your own experiences and concerns openly. This transparency lays the foundation for mutual understanding.

It's essential to create a space where both partners feel comfortable discussing their needs, desires, and concerns. By doing so, you can better understand each other's perspectives and work together to find solutions that work for both of you. Remember, menopause is a natural biological process, and it's crucial to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Educate Yourselves

Menopause is a natural biological process. However, it is challenging for both partners to comprehend fully. Take the time to educate yourselves about the physical and emotional aspects of menopause. Attend informational sessions or read reputable sources to understand what to expect.

Understanding the physical and emotional changes that women experience during menopause can help both partners better navigate this phase. By educating yourselves, you can better understand each other's needs and provide the necessary support. Additionally, knowledge can dispel myths and misconceptions, helping you approach menopause with a more positive attitude.

Patience and Empathy

Understanding that menopause brings about hormonal fluctuations and a range of symptoms is crucial. Patience is key during this period. Be empathetic to your partner's experiences, acknowledging that their emotions and physical well-being may be in flux. Approach discussions with compassion.

Menopause can be a challenging time for both partners. Hormonal fluctuations can cause mood swings, irritability, and anxiety. It's essential to be patient and empathetic towards your partner's experiences. Remember that they may not be able to control their emotions or physical symptoms, and your support and understanding can go a long way in helping them feel more comfortable.

Seek Professional Guidance

If the challenges become overwhelming, consider seeking professional guidance. A couples' therapist or a healthcare professional specializing in menopause can offer valuable insights and coping strategies. Professional support can enhance communication and provide tools to navigate this phase effectively.

Navigating menopause can be challenging, and sometimes, it's necessary to seek outside help. A couples' therapist or a healthcare professional specializing in menopause can provide valuable insights and coping strategies. They can help you both communicate more effectively and provide tools to navigate this phase. Don't hesitate to seek help if you need it.

Maintain Intimacy

Menopause can impact a woman's libido and physical comfort. Prioritize intimacy in your relationship by exploring new ways to connect emotionally and physically. Openly discuss any concerns or changes in this aspect of your relationship and work together to find mutually satisfying solutions.

Menopause can impact a woman's libido and physical comfort, leading to changes in intimacy. It's essential to prioritize intimacy in your relationship by exploring new ways to connect emotionally and physically. Communicate openly about any concerns or changes in this aspect of your relationship and work together to find mutually satisfying solutions. Remember, intimacy is not just about sex; it's about connecting on a deeper level.

Encourage Self-Care

During menopause, self-care is very important. Follow healthy lifestyle practices, such as consistent exercise, a well-balanced diet, and enough sleep.

Self-care is crucial during menopause. Encourage your partner to follow healthy lifestyle practices, such as consistent exercise, a well-balanced diet, and enough sleep. These practices can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall health. Additionally, encourage your partner to pursue activities that bring them joy and relaxation.

Stay Positive and Flexible

Approach the challenges of menopause with a positive mindset. Understand that each person's experience is unique, and flexibility is key in adapting to the changes that may arise. Focus on the shared journey and the growth that can emerge from navigating this transitional phase together.

Menopause can be a challenging time, but approaching it with a positive mindset can make a significant difference. Remember that each person's experience is unique, and flexibility is key in adapting to the changes that may arise. Focus on the shared journey and the growth that can emerge from navigating this transitional phase together.

Final Thoughts

Menopause is a transformative period that can strengthen the bond between partners when approached with understanding and support. By fostering open communication, educating yourselves, practicing patience and empathy, seeking professional guidance, maintaining intimacy, encouraging self-care, and staying positive and flexible, you can navigate menopause in marriage with grace and resilience. Remember, this is a shared journey, and facing it together can lead to a deeper connection and appreciation for each other.

Navigating menopause in a marriage requires effort, understanding, and support from both partners. By fostering open communication, educating yourselves, practising patience and empathy, seeking professional guidance, maintaining intimacy, encouraging self-care, and staying positive and flexible, you can navigate this transformative period with grace and resilience. Remember, menopause is a shared journey, and facing it together can lead to a deeper connection and appreciation for each other.

How do I figure out if I have menopause?

Discover how to identify menopause symptoms with our comprehensive guide. Learn about menopause tests, age calculators, treatments, and find specialists for personalized care

How do I figure out if I have menopause? A Comprehensive Guide

Entering menopause is a significant milestone in a woman's life. As you approach the typical age of onset, you might begin to question whether the changes you're experiencing are indeed related to this natural phase. This comprehensive guide will help you decipher the signs of menopause while providing you with resources to manage this new chapter effectively.

Understanding Menopause

At its essence, menopause signals the cessation of a woman's menstrual cycles, typically occurring around the average age of 51. However, it's part of a broader transition known as perimenopause, which can precede the final menstrual period by several years.

The symptoms of menopause can be wide-ranging and varying in intensity. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Irregular periods that eventually stop
  • Hot flashes and night sweats, often disturbing sleep
  • Vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse
  • Mood swings and increased irritability
  • Sleep disturbances, not necessarily related to night sweats
  • Short-term memory problems or difficulty concentrating
  • Decrease in sexual desire or satisfaction
  • Ongoing fatigue and a noticeable decrease in energy levels
  • Weight gain, particularly around the abdomen

Menopause Test and Age Calculator

If you suspect you're approaching menopause, your first step should be to consult with a healthcare provider. A menopause test often involves blood work to measure hormone levels, specifically Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which increases as estrogen decreases.

Alongside a clinical assessment, an online menopause age calculator can offer a rough estimate of when you might enter menopause based on statistical averages. However, remember that such tools are not a substitute for professional medical advice, as individual experiences can deviate considerably from the average.

Menopause Treatment and Self-Care

The approach to managing menopause is often multifaceted, involving medical treatments and lifestyle adaptations. Let's look at what this could entail:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) offers a way to replenish decreasing hormone levels, mitigating many uncomfortable symptoms. However, the decision to use HRT should be made after a thorough discussion with your healthcare provider, considering the potential benefits and risks.
  • Alternative therapies may appeal to those seeking more natural routes. Phytoestrogens, found in various plants and supplements, may provide some relief. Additionally, practices like acupuncture and yoga may help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.
  • Lifestyle changes can have a profound impact. Adaptations to promote a healthy weight, cardiovascular health, and bone density are crucial during this time. Engaging in regular exercise, ensuring a nutritious diet, staying hydrated, and practicing mindfulness can help manage symptoms.

Menopause Specialist Near Me

To find a menopause specialist, you can consult the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) or the British Menopause Society for resources, depending on your location. A specialist can offer targeted advice and treatment for menopause-related concerns.

Menopause Self-Care

Self-care goes a long way in alleviating menopause symptoms and enhancing your quality of life during this transitional period. Consider the following tips for menopause self-care:

  • Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity helps stabilize mood, improve sleep, and maintain a healthy weight. Activities such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling can be particularly beneficial.
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Healthy Diet: A balanced diet with an emphasis on calcium and vitamin D is important for bone health, while foods rich in phytoestrogens may ease some menopausal symptoms. Limiting caffeine and alcohol may also decrease the frequency of hot flashes.
  • Quality Sleep: Develop a sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Make your bedroom conducive to sleeping by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Social Support: Build a network of support by connecting with others who are going through similar experiences, whether through friends, family, or support groups.

Final Thoughts

Menopause is a natural and expected phase of life, yet the ways it manifests can differ from woman to woman. Recognizing the signs and symptoms early on sets the stage for a smoother transition. Armed with the knowledge to seek out a menopause test, a specialist, or even utilize a menopause age calculator, you're better prepared to advocate for your health and well-being. Equally critical is the practice of self-care: maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, fostering social connections, and getting regular check-ups. With the right tools and support, you can navigate menopause with confidence and continue to thrive.

Beyond Hot Flashes: Addressing Menopause Joint Pain and Body Aches

Explore the often-overlooked symptoms of menopause such as joint pain and body aches. Learn about causes, treatments, and lifestyle changes to improve quality of life during this natural transition.

Menopause is a natural part of a woman's life cycle, but it can also be a challenging time for many women. Hot flashes are often the most talked-about symptom of menopause, but joint pain and body aches are also common and can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. It's essential to understand these lesser-known symptoms and how to address them.

Joint Pain During Menopause

Joint pain during menopause can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, aging processes, or underlying medical conditions like osteoporosis. Women may experience joint pain in their knees, hips, shoulders, or hands. The pain can be characterized by discomfort, stiffness, or inflammation. Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to decreased collagen production, increased inflammation, and altered bone metabolism, all of which can contribute to joint pain.

Body Aches During Menopause

Body aches during menopause can be described as flu-like symptoms and can occur throughout the body. They are often associated with fatigue, muscle weakness, and overall feelings of discomfort. Body aches can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, poor sleep quality, and underlying medical conditions. While body aches are not unique to menopause, they can exacerbate existing symptoms and impact a woman's daily life.

Treatment Approaches

To address joint pain and body aches during menopause, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Lifestyle modifications, pharmaceutical treatments, and alternative therapies can all be effective in managing these symptoms.

Lifestyle Modifications

Exercise is an excellent way to improve flexibility, strength, and overall wellbeing. Regular physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, can also reduce stress levels, which may contribute to joint pain and body aches.

Weight lifting with increasing with weights from 2-3 lbs up to 15-20 lbs can be a great way to prevent and even cure body aches in menopause and beyond.

Dietary changes can also play a crucial role in managing menopause symptoms. Consuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids can support bone health and reduce inflammation.

Pharmaceutical Treatments

Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) may help manage joint pain and body aches. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication to determine the best course of treatment.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies like acupuncture, massage, and other complementary therapies can provide relief for joint pain and body aches by promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation. These therapies can also help reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing.

Additional Considerations

In addition to the treatments mentioned above, there are other lifestyle changes that can help alleviate joint pain and body aches during menopause:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the strain on joints.
  • Practicing good posture can help alleviate back pain.
  • Practicing stress-reducing techniques like meditation or deep breathing can also help reduce body aches.

It's also important to note that some women may be more susceptible to joint pain and body aches during menopause due to genetic factors or pre-existing medical conditions. In these cases, it's essential to work closely with a healthcare professional to develop a treatment plan that addresses these factors.

In summary, joint pain and body aches are common symptoms of menopause that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. By understanding these symptoms and implementing appropriate treatments, women can improve their overall health and wellbeing during this stage of life.

It's essential to consult with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses individual needs and concerns. With the right approach, women can navigate menopause with greater ease and confidence.

Menopause and Mental Health: Understanding and Treating the Emotional Symptoms

Explore the link between menopause and mental health. Learn about natural treatments for mood swings, anxiety, and depression during menopause, and how hormonal balance can transform emotional well-being for women over 40

While it's a natural part of aging, menopause can bring about a range of physical and emotional symptoms that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. Understanding these symptoms and seeking appropriate support and treatment can help women navigate this transitional phase with greater ease and comfort.

In this article, we'll discuss the most common emotional symptoms of menopause and look at the variety of treatment options available.

Why Emotions Go Haywire During Menopause

Before diving into symptoms and treatments, let's examine the cause of emotional changes during menopause.

During menopause, hormonal fluctuations, particularly a decrease in estrogen levels, can disrupt the delicate balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. This imbalance can lead to mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and even depression in some women. Additionally, the physical symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and sleep disturbances, can also contribute to emotional instability. Understanding these underlying factors is crucial in effectively managing and addressing the emotional challenges that may arise during this transitional phase in a woman's life.

Checking Hormone Levels

If you're feeling these mental health shifts during menopause, it could be helpful to talk to a doctor about getting your hormone levels checked. This means doing a simple test that measures how much of these important hormones you have in your body. Having hormones checked and addressing hormone changes can have a significant impact for women who are 40 and over. Knowing your hormone levels is the first step in understanding what's going on.

Now let's discuss some of the most common emotional symptoms of menopause and their treatments.

Mood Swings

One of the most common emotional symptoms associated with menopause is mood swings. Hormonal fluctuations can cause women to experience intense emotions that may seem out of proportion to the situation at hand. They may feel irritable, sad, or anxious for no apparent reason, which can be distressing and disrupt daily life.


Another emotional symptom that women may experience during menopause is anxiety. Hormonal imbalances can cause anxiety levels to increase, leading to panic attacks, racing thoughts, or excessive worry about everyday situations. Women may feel overwhelmed and stressed, making it difficult to perform daily tasks or interact with others.


Depression is also a common symptom that women may experience during menopause. Low energy levels, loss of motivation, and difficulty concentrating are all signs of depression that can occur during this phase of life. Women may feel a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed, leading to social isolation and further exacerbating feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Natural Treatment Options

While traditional treatments for mental health issues can be effective, many women prefer natural remedies to manage their symptoms.


One of the most promising natural treatment options is exercise. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression. Exercises like yoga, meditation, and tai chi are particularly beneficial due to their focus on mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Exercise can help reduce stress hormones and release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters. It can also improve sleep quality, which is often disrupted during menopause, leading to further emotional distress. Women don't need to spend hours at the gym to reap the benefits of exercise; even a short walk or light stretching can help alleviate symptoms.

Nutritional Support

Another natural treatment option is a healthy diet. Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help stabilize hormone levels and support overall wellbeing. Avoiding processed foods, sugars, and alcohol can also contribute to improved mental health during menopause. What's more, a healthy diet reduces the risk of chronic diseases and increases longevity.


While a balanced diet is essential for overall health, certain nutrients may be lacking or not adequately absorbed during menopause. The body may require additional supplements to complement a healthy diet due to the changes in hormone levels and nutrient absorption.

For instance, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have been associated with alleviating depressive symptoms, which can be common during menopause. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to exacerbating mood swings and depression, making it important to ensure sufficient intake either through dietary sources or supplements to support mental well-being. St. John's Wort, an herbal supplement, has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

While supplements hold the promise of relief, remember that it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplements, as they can interact with other medications or have side effects.

When to Seek Help

By understanding these symptoms and exploring natural treatment options, women can take control of their wellbeing during this phase of life. Guided by a team of professionals at FemGevity Health, you'll receive personalized guidance and support for managing the menopausal transition. Their comprehensive approach combines telemedicine services with accredited medical professionals and precision diagnostics to deliver targeted and effective treatment plans. By focusing on long-term health from day one, FemGevity positions itself as a trusted partner for women seeking optimal care throughout their menopausal journey.

Menopause is a natural part of aging, but it doesn't have to be a time of emotional and psychological distress. By taking control of their health and exploring natural treatment options, women can thrive during this phase of life and enjoy the many rewards that come with aging gracefully.

Late-Onset Menopause: Symptoms, Treatments, and When to See a Specialist

Explore the unique challenges of late-onset menopause, including symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, treatment options with precision medicine, and when to consult a specialist for personalized care

Late-onset menopause, also known as late menopause is a condition where a woman experiences menopause in her late 50's or early 60's. This condition affects approximately 8% of women and can lead to additional challenges due to its later occurrence and potential association with certain health conditions. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, treatments, and when to seek the assistance of a menopause specialist for managing late-onset menopause.

Symptoms of Late-Onset Menopause

The symptoms of late-onset menopause may vary from those experienced during early menopause. Some common symptoms include:

These symptoms can significantly impact a woman's daily life and well-being, leading to a decreased quality of life. The experience of late-onset menopause can differ significantly from woman to woman. Much can be done to alleviate symptoms, so it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to explore available treatment options.

There are various factors impacting the timing of menopause, including lifestyle decisions, toxin exposure, chronic inflammation, untreated ailments like diabetes, and genetic tendencies. Early onset of menopause has associations with reduced life expectancy and heightened risks of health issues such as dementia, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Hence, adopting a healthy lifestyle may aid in delaying the onset of menopause.

Health Risks of Late-Onset Menopause

Late-onset menopause can is linked to various health conditions similar to traditional menopause, including osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline. If you are experiencing a menstrual cycle after the age of 55, it is recommended to get checked by a healthcare provider to ensure that this is normal and healthy for your body and not a sign of a condition like fibroids, endometriosis or other gynecological concerns.  

Treatment Options for Late-Onset Menopause

Treatment for late-onset menopause can be personalized using precision medicine to identify the root cause of symptoms and provide targeted support with appropriate nutrients, macronutrients, and medications if necessary.

Precision Medicine Approach

Utilizing precision medicine allows for a tailored treatment plan based on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and specific symptoms. By identifying the underlying causes of late-onset menopause, healthcare providers can recommend precise interventions to address hormonal imbalances effectively.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

HRT remains a cornerstone in managing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. The decision to pursue HRT is made after considering factors like age, family history, and personal preferences. HRT can be administered through various forms, including oral tablets, patches, gels, creams, and implants. For those concerned about traditional HRT, bio-identical therapy offers a natural alternative worth exploring.

Lifestyle Modifications

Incorporating lifestyle changes plays a crucial role in managing menopause symptoms and promoting overall well-being. These modifications may include:

  • Engaging in regular exercise
  • Following a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients
  • Practicing stress management techniques
  • Prioritizing adequate sleep
  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and herbal remedies, can complement conventional treatments for late-onset menopause. Before incorporating any alternative therapies, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness in symptom management.

When to See a Specialist

If you are experiencing severe or persistent symptoms of late-onset menopause that significantly impact your daily life, it is essential to seek the assistance of a specialist. A specialist can help determine the underlying cause of your symptoms and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Some signs that indicate when to see a specialist include:

  • Persistent hot flashes and night sweats despite lifestyle modifications
  • Vaginal dryness causing pain during sexual intercourse
  • Severe mood swings and irritability
  • Difficulty sleeping due to menopause symptoms
  • Unexplained weight gain

Late-onset menopause can present unique challenges for women, but with the right guidance and care, it is possible to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. If you are experiencing symptoms of late-onset menopause, consider consulting with a FemGevity specialist to discuss available treatment options and develop a personalized care plan. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources available to support you through this transition. It is important to see a specialist if you are still having a period after 55 because it might be abnormal vaginal bleeding and not just menopause. Book your free consult now.

Choosing the Best Supplements for Menopause Relief: A Buyer's Guide

Discover the top supplements for menopause symptom relief. Explore our buyer's guide for natural estrogen supplements, vitamins for menopause, and more. Book a free consult with FemGevity today!

Menopause can be a time of profound change, a rite of passage that marks a new chapter in a woman's life. It is a journey experienced by all women, yet each path is uniquely her own. As you step into this phase, it becomes vital to arm yourself with knowledge, support, and the best menopausal supplements that can help turn the tide in favor of your well-being. To help you to embrace this transition with an empowered spirit, we've put together this guide to help you select the most effective supplements that can ease your journey and enhance your health.

Best Menopause Supplements for Symptom Relief

When searching for the best menopause supplements, focus on products that have a proven track record in symptom relief. Ingredients such as Black Cohosh, which has been traditionally used to reduce hot flashes, and Red Clover, rich in isoflavones that mimic estrogen, might offer solace. Additionally, Vitamin E has shown promise in controlling hot flashes, while St. John’s Wort may help balance mood swings. Soy isoflavones have also been recognized for their beneficial effects on menopausal symptoms. Prioritize products that have clinical backing and positive user reviews, as they are an indication of efficacy.

Supplements for Overall Menopausal Health

Your body's nutritional needs evolve during menopause, and supplementation can be critical in addressing these changes. Look for a comprehensive menopause formula that integrates vitamins, such as B vitamins for energy metabolism, and Vitamin D for bone health — crucial as the risk of osteoporosis increases post-menopause. Don’t overlook minerals like Magnesium and Calcium, which work in tandem to support bone density and overall muscle function.

Natural Estrogen Supplements

For those seeking a more natural approach to managing their symptoms, phytoestrogen supplements may be an appealing option. These plant-based estrogens can help balance your hormones and alleviate menopausal discomfort. Soy isoflavones and flaxseed are notable options, each offering a botanical remedy for hot flashes and other hormonal challenges. Make sure to choose standardized extracts to ensure potency and consistency in your supplementation.

Expanding the Supplement Spectrum

The above list barely scratches the surface of the numerous options of supplements available to ease menopause symptoms. Other effective remedies include many that have been traditionally used in various cultures to balance hormones and relieve symptoms:

  • Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis): Dong quai is often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to balance hormones and relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.
  • Sage (Salvia officinalis): Sage has been traditionally used to reduce hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. It may also help improve cognitive function.
  • Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus): Chasteberry, also known as Vitex, may help regulate hormone levels and relieve symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and breast tenderness.
  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng): Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that may help reduce fatigue, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being during menopause.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha is another adaptogenic herb that may help alleviate stress, improve sleep quality, and balance hormones during menopause.
  • Maca (Lepidium meyenii): Maca is a Peruvian root vegetable that is often used to boost energy, improve libido, and alleviate symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and mood swings.
  • Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca): Motherwort is traditionally used to calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety associated with menopause. It may also help regulate menstrual cycles

Putting Research into Practice

Armed with an understanding of effective menopause relief ingredients, translate this knowledge into action. Dive into verified customer reviews, clinical studies, and quality certifications to find supplements from reputable brands. Ensure that you are choosing non-GMO, vegetarian-friendly, or organic options if these factors align with your lifestyle and beliefs.

Through your research, also take note of potential side effects, as even natural products may interact with medications or have contraindications. Consult with a healthcare professional to tailor your supplement strategy to your individual health profile and needs.

Staying Motivated Amidst the Search

The search for relief can be overwhelming, but remember why you started. You seek not just to quiet symptoms but to thrive during menopause. Each step you take is a commitment to your health and happiness. Persevere with patience and self-compassion, knowing that you’re investing in a future where you can flourish in this new stage of life.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach

While supplements play a pivotal role, they are most effective when combined with a holistic approach to menopause management. A balanced diet, regular exercise, stress reduction techniques, and a supportive community can amplify the effects of supplements. Embrace these lifestyle changes as integral components of your menopause strategy.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Your journey through menopause is a testament to your strength and adaptability. With the right menopause supplements in your arsenal, you can confidently face this transition with grace and vitality. Allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom you have gleaned from research, your intuition, and the support of your healthcare provider.

Looking for professional guidance to navigate the search for menopausal care? Schedule a free consultation with FemGevity's team of health professionals. We offer personalized programs to determine the best combination of supplements and complementary treatments for you. Book your consult today to learn more about how we can tailor our services to your needs.

The Menopause Diet: Foods and Habits for a Healthier Transition

Discover how to manage menopause symptoms with our comprehensive guide on the Menopause Diet. Learn about foods that fight hot flashes, herbs for hormonal balance, and lifestyle habits for a smoother transition.

For many women, menopause is a time of profound change. It brings a shift not only in hormones but also in lifestyle, body image, and health. As you navigate through this natural phase of life, it's essential to understand how nutrition can help ease the transition and promote long-term wellness. From foods that combat menopause symptoms to small lifestyle changes that can have big impacts, we'll look at a variety of ways you can support your body during this time.

Menopause Diet: Key Concepts and Nutritional Needs

The hormonal upheaval during menopause, particularly the decline in estrogen, can increase the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and altered metabolic states. A menopause-supportive diet can be a powerful ally in the face of these challenges. Let's explore some dietary principles aimed at enhancing your health during and after this transition.

Principles of a Menopause-Supportive Diet

A diet geared towards women going through menopause should focus on several key elements:

  • Fiber-rich foods: Ample fiber aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and can be effective in managing weight—a common concern during menopause. This can be achieved by incorporating whole grains, legumes, fruits, and plenty of vegetables into your meals.
  • Moderate protein intake: With age comes a gradual loss in muscle mass. Lean proteins can help preserve muscle. Consider adding fish, skinless poultry, tofu, and legumes to your diet.
  • Healthy fats: Hormones thrive on a certain level of healthy fats. Foods rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and oils like olive and flaxseed, should be included.

One easy-to-follow guideline that incorporates each of these facets is the Mediterranean diet, which is packed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. It's also rich in calcium and vitamin D, key nutrients for maintaining strong bones as estrogen levels drop.

Foods for Balancing Hormones and Managing Symptoms

Certain foods have been found to offer benefits that can help mitigate menopause symptoms and foster hormonal equilibrium.

8 Foods to Fight Symptoms of Menopause

1. Whole soy foods: Soybeans and their derivatives, like tofu and tempeh, contain isoflavones, which may mimic estrogen in the body and can alleviate hot flashes.

2. Flaxseeds: These seeds are not only a good source of fiber and omega-3 fats but are also renowned for their lignans, which might have an estrogenic effect.

3. Sesame seeds and oil: Not only do they provide healthy fats, but they are also another source of phytoestrogens which can help with the symptoms of menopause.

4. Omega-3 fats: Essential fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA from fatty fish like salmon, can help with hormone production and reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Fruits and vegetables: They're nutrient-dense, high in fiber, and full of antioxidants that help protect the body from various diseases.

6. Leafy greens: Greens such as kale, spinach, and bok choy are significant sources of calcium necessary for maintaining bone health and may also offer vitamin D.

7. Herbal teas: Specific herbal teas, like chamomile, may aid in relaxation and potentially reduce menopausal symptoms like sleep disturbances.

8. Fermented foods: Yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods contain probiotics. These good bacteria can improve gut health, which is crucial for overall well-being and can ease menopausal symptoms related to digestion and bloating.

Of course, not every woman going through menopause will react the same way to a diet. A genomics test can take the guesswork out of finding the best diet for you. It will help determine which diet is best for your genomic makeup, guiding you towards incorporating specific foods that align with your genetic predispositions for optimal hormone balance and symptom management.

Herbal Support for Menopause Symptoms

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to help with countless health issues, including menopause symptoms.

3 Essential Herbs for Hormone Balance and Vaginal Dryness

1. Black cohosh: This herb has gained attention for its potential to ease hot flashes and night sweats without the side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy.

2. Red clover: Rich in isoflavones, red clover has been suggested as a natural remedy for hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

3. Evening primrose oil: High in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), this oil is popular for its ability to help manage skin dryness, as well as the dryness of mucous membranes, including vaginal dryness.

Consult a healthcare provider before taking herbal supplements, especially if you're on medication, to ensure they're appropriate for your situation.

Lifestyle Habits for a Healthier Menopause Transition

Diet is just one piece of the wellness puzzle during menopause. Integrating these lifestyle habits can further smooth the transition:

  • Regular exercise: Physical activity is paramount. Strive for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity coupled with muscle-strengthening exercises.
  • Stress reduction: Chronic stress can worsen menopause symptoms. Engage in regular relaxation practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to manage stress levels.
  • Sleep hygiene: Good sleep is often elusive during menopause. Avoid caffeine close to bedtime, establish a regular sleep schedule, and create a comfortable sleep environment to promote better sleep quality.

By combining a nutrient-rich diet with supportive herbs and positive lifestyle changes, women can gain a sense of control and empowerment over their bodies during the menopause transition. The goal is to move through this natural process with grace and vitality, managing symptoms effectively without compromising on quality of life.

Here at FemGevity Health, we are dedicated to your holistic wellness. Remember, each woman's experience with menopause is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It may take some time to find the right combination of diet, herbs, and lifestyle habits that make your journey through menopause as smooth as possible. But with patience, experimentation, and a focus on nourishment from the inside out, you can create a solid foundation for health well into your later years.

Ready to take the next step towards wellness? Book your free consultation with FemGevity today and get a personalized treatment plan for managing menopause symptoms.

7 Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work

Discover seven effective natural menopause treatments that can alleviate symptoms without medication. Explore lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and more for holistic well-being

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. However, the transition can bring a host of unwanted symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. While conventional medicine offers numerous treatments in the form of medication, many women prefer to manage these symptoms in a way that aligns more closely with a natural approach to healthcare.

In this article, we'll unpack seven natural menopause treatments that have shown effectiveness in improving women's well-being during this transitional phase. These treatments are alternatives to hormone therapy and pharmaceutical options, focusing on holistic health and wellness.

1. Diet Adjustments

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can positively impact menopause symptoms. Phytoestrogens found in soy, flaxseeds, and other plant-based foods may help balance hormones. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet can help prevent weight gain, a common concern during menopause.


2. Regular Physical Exercise

Exercise isn’t just beneficial for physical health; it’s a powerful antidote to many menopausal symptoms. Regular activity can help alleviate mood swings, improve sleep, and manage weight. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or resistance training, consistent exercise can contribute to a better quality of life during this transition.

3. Herbal Supplements and Remedies

Herbs like black cohosh, red clover, and dong quai have been traditionally used to treat menopausal symptoms. Modern studies suggest that certain herbal supplements can help reduce hot flashes and night sweats. However, it is critical to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any herbal regime, as interactions with other medications can occur.

4. Mind-Body Practices

Stress can exacerbate menopausal symptoms. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can reduce stress levels, leading to an improvement in mood swings and hot flashes. Other practices like Tai Chi and Qigong can also promote relaxation and well-being.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medical practice, has been reported to relieve some menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and sleep disturbances. By targeting specific points in the body, acupuncture can restore balance and aid in overall wellness.

6. Quality Sleep Hygiene

Trouble sleeping is common during menopause, which can, in turn, worsen other symptoms. Developing robust sleep hygiene — a consistent sleep schedule, a cool bedroom environment, and avoiding caffeine and blue light exposure before bedtime — can help improve the quality of sleep.

7. Staying Hydrated and Managing Temperature

Hot flashes can be mitigated by keeping cool. This includes dressing in layers, having cold water at hand, and using a fan. Staying hydrated is crucial as it helps regulate body temperature and supports overall health.

Finding the Right Treatment Plan

Menopause is a distinctive stage in a woman's life that doesn't solely revolve around the end of fertility but is also a time of new beginnings and embracing change. It’s vital for women to understand and discover what works best for them personally. These seven natural treatments can offer relief and improve quality of life during menopause — they empower women to manage their symptoms so they can embrace the aging process and celebrate the natural progression of life.

To learn more about non-hormone treatment options for menopause, see this enlightening interview with FemGevity founder Kristin Mallon as she discusses the role that lifestyle changes and diet play in managing menopausal symptoms.

Finding the Right Menopause Specialist: A Guide to Personalized Care

Discover how to find the right menopause specialist tailored to your needs. Learn about the importance of support groups and utilize resources for informed decisions on managing menopause with confidence

Menopause is not just a phase; it's a pivotal transition signaling a new chapter in a woman's life. This period can come with its own set of challenges, both physically and emotionally. With symptoms ranging from hot flashes to mood swings, it's imperative for women to seek not just support, but specific expertise. Finding the right menopause specialist is crucial for receiving personalized care that aligns with your unique situation.

In this article, we'll guide you on how to find the right menopause specialist for you, delve into the role of support groups, and empower you with the tools needed to navigate menopause with confidence, ensuring your health and longevity are prioritized.

Discovering the Right Menopause Specialist: A Guide to Personalized Care

When searching for a menopause specialist, the goal is to find personalized care. Each woman experiences menopause differently, necessitating a specialist who can cater to your specific needs. Here are steps to begin your search:

Understand Your Needs

Before looking for a specialist, identify your symptoms and concerns. Are hot flashes, sleep disturbances, or emotional fluctuations most troubling? Understanding what affects your quality of life is the first step.

Get Referrals and Research Specialists

Start by asking your primary care physician or gynecologist for referrals. They often know reputable specialists. Additionally, conducting your own research through healthcare directories and professional networks can also yield potential specialists.

Check Qualifications and Experience

Evaluate each practitioner's qualifications and experience. Look for those with a strong background in menopause management. Knowledge, experience, and positive patient feedback are indicators of a reputable specialist.

Make an Appointment and Prepare Questions

Schedule meetings with potential specialists and prepare questions about their treatment approach, views on hormone replacement therapy, and symptom management strategies.

Trust Your Instincts

The patient-doctor connection is crucial. Pay attention to how you feel during the consultation. A specialist should be attentive, compassionate, and willing to customize their care to your needs.

The Role of Support Groups During Menopause

Support groups offer a platform for sharing experiences and advice, providing emotional camaraderie. These groups can be in-person or online, with some preferring the anonymity of digital platforms for discussing sensitive topics.

Your menopause specialist or healthcare provider may recommend support groups, but you can also find them through healthcare institutions or social media platforms.

Leveraging Healthcare Resources for Specialist Search and Education

Utilize healthcare directories and resources for finding specialists and educating yourself on menopause. These platforms offer access to a wide range of information, from treatment options to the latest research, helping you make informed decisions in collaboration with your specialist.

Finding the Right Specialist is Worth the Search

Finding the ideal menopause specialist requires patience, diligence, and an understanding of your personal health needs. A suitable specialist not only provides expert care but empowers you to actively manage your menopause. With the support of healthcare resources and the community, you can approach menopause with optimism, equipped with knowledge, personalized care, and a supportive network. Menopause marks the beginning of a new era in life—one that can be embraced with grace, strength, and support.

Hot Flashes, Menopause and Heart Disease

Explore the intricate link between hot flashes and heart disease in women's health. Discover how persistent hot flashes may be a precursor to cardiovascular risks and learn about proactive measures to mitigate potential risks.

Hot Flashes and Heart Health: Navigating the Intersection for Women's Wellness

In the intricate web of women's health, the connection between hot flashes and heart disease emerges as a critical nexus of concern. Delving into this intersection reveals a nuanced landscape where menopause symptoms, particularly hot flashes, may serve as potential precursors to cardiovascular risks, including heart attacks and strokes.

For many women, hot flashes during menopause are an undeniable reality, with approximately 85% experiencing these surges of heat in various intensities. While for some, these episodes dissipate after a brief stint, for others, they persist relentlessly, casting a shadow over daily life throughout the latter half of their existence. Yet, it's not merely the discomfort of hot flashes that warrants attention; it's the emerging evidence suggesting a correlation between persistent hot flashes and heightened susceptibility to heart disease.

Recent research illuminates this correlation, indicating that women enduring frequent or prolonged hot flashes face a substantially elevated risk of cardiovascular issues, with some studies citing an alarming 80% increase in risk over two decades. However, it's vital to temper this data with nuance – experiencing hot flashes doesn't equate to a guaranteed journey toward heart disease. Rather, it signals a heightened predisposition, urging proactive measures to mitigate potential risks.

When dissecting risk factors, the medical landscape delineates between modifiable and non-modifiable elements. Modifiable factors, such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes, offer avenues for intervention through lifestyle adjustments or medical interventions. Conversely, non-modifiable factors like age and family history stand immutable, demanding heightened vigilance.

Interestingly, the heightened risk of heart disease associated with persistent hot flashes appears independent of conventional risk factors like blood pressure or diabetes. This raises pivotal questions about avenues for risk reduction and prevention strategies. Could addressing hot flashes directly translate into a reduction in heart disease risk?

The emerging consensus hints at a promising possibility. Treating hot flashes, whether through estrogen replacement therapy or alternative interventions, presents a potential pathway to mitigate cardiovascular risks. Early initiation of hormone replacement therapy, particularly before the age of 60, emerges as a strategic maneuver in lowering the risk trajectory.

Indeed, the data underscores a compelling narrative – by alleviating hot flashes, we may concurrently alleviate the burden of heart disease. This revelation not only underscores the interconnectedness of menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular health but also underscores the imperative for personalized, proactive healthcare approaches tailored to individual needs.

In this endeavor, FemGevity Health stands as a beacon of comprehensive care, offering a spectrum of hormone replacement therapy options to address hot flashes and mitigate associated cardiovascular risks. Beyond mere prescription fulfillment, FemGevity Health fosters a collaborative healthcare ecosystem where patients engage with licensed, board-certified providers driven by a commitment to patient-centered care.

Ultimately, navigating the complexities of menopausal health demands more than a one-size-fits-all approach. It necessitates a nuanced understanding of individual risk profiles, proactive interventions, and a collaborative partnership between patients and providers. In embracing this holistic ethos, women can traverse the terrain of menopause with resilience and well-being, guided by the insights and interventions of cutting-edge healthcare providers like FemGevity Health.

Unraveling the Vitamin D Paradox: Navigating Deficiency and Health Implications

Explore Vitamin D's crucial role in menopausal health, its widespread deficiency, and the challenges of obtaining it naturally. Learn about supplementation benefits and a balanced approach for optimal well-being.

Vitamin D occupies a unique and perplexing position in the global health narrative, and as women enter menopause its an essential component to health. Vitamin D is a nutrient fundamental to our well-being, pivotal in maintaining robust bones, supporting muscle function, and bolstering our immune system all exceedingly important in menopasue. Yet, despite its critical importance, there's a widespread deficiency of this nutrient, a phenomenon that's intriguingly at odds with its availability. Ironically, this vitamin, with its most natural source being as ubiquitous as sunlight, still leaves a substantial portion of the population – about a quarter of Americans and nearly 40 percent of Europeans – in a state of deficiency. This issue extends beyond the expected regions, pervading even sun-drenched locales in the Middle East, Asia, and Australia.

We're witnessing a wellness paradox that has confounded researchers and health experts for over a decade. The heart of the matter lies in the ambiguity surrounding Vitamin D. There's a lack of consensus among scientists regarding several critical aspects: the ideal quantity necessary for optimal health, the precise definition of deficiency, and the actual benefits, if any, derived from supplements. This is particularly puzzling when considering young and otherwise healthy individuals. Such uncertainty fuels the global reliance on Vitamin D supplements, making them the most sought-after product in the market. Yet, the question remains – are we addressing the symptom rather than the underlying issue?

The Dual Role of Vitamin D in Health: What It Does and Doesn't Do

Vitamin D, often celebrated in the public discourse for its myriad health benefits, plays a multifaceted role in bodily functions. At its most basic, it enables our bodies to absorb calcium effectively, a process central to maintaining bone strength and staving off osteoporosis, a condition marked by the thinning and decreased density of bones. The importance of Vitamin D extends to preventing more severe bone-related ailments like osteomalacia, commonly known as 'bone softening,' and safeguarding children from rickets—a disease characterized by weakened bones and deformities, notably impacting Black children at a disproportionate rate.
The scope of Vitamin D's influence continues beyond bone health. It's integral to muscle movement and neural communication and fortifies our immune system against a spectrum of pathogens, as the National Institutes of Health's Office of Dietary Supplements outlines. The breadth of research on Vitamin D is vast, with numerous studies suggesting its potential to reduce risks of cancers, type 2 diabetes, cognitive disorders, cardiovascular disease, and a range of chronic, autoimmune, and infectious diseases.

Yet, herein lies a critical juncture in the Vitamin D narrative: the juxtaposition of potential benefits against the empirical evidence. Comprehensive reviews of these studies paint a more complex and less definitive picture. Many of the purported benefits of Vitamin D supplementation still need to be more conclusive or marginal in their significance. The stance of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force best exemplifies this dichotomy in the scientific community's understanding. In both 2014 and 2021, the Task Force recommended against routine screening for Vitamin D deficiency in the general population, citing insufficient evidence to justify such a practice. This position underscores a broader health and nutrition science theme: the ongoing quest to balance optimism in potential treatments with rigorous, evidence-based scrutiny.

Who is at risk?

Vitamin D deficiency, a health concern that doesn't discriminate, can affect anyone, yet certain demographic factors can significantly amplify this risk. Age, for instance, plays a critical role in this dynamic. As we age, our skin, gradually thinning over time, becomes less adept at synthesizing Vitamin D from sunlight exposure. This decline is not negligible; it's estimated that Vitamin D production decreases by approximately 13 percent each decade of our lives.

The conversation around Vitamin D deficiency also intersects with a crucial aspect of human biology: skin pigmentation. Melanin, the substance responsible for the coloring of our skin also absorbs UV rays essential for Vitamin D production. This characteristic means that individuals with darker skin tones naturally produce less Vitamin D. The difference here is stark: darker skin is about 90 percent less efficient in generating Vitamin D than its lighter counterpart.

This revelation about skin pigmentation and Vitamin D synthesis isn't just a footnote in dermatology; it's a significant piece of the puzzle in understanding health disparities. The higher efficiency of lighter skin in Vitamin D production speaks to a broader narrative, where biological differences intersect with environmental factors and societal implications. It challenges us to look beyond the surface, in our quest to understand and address health issues in a way that is inclusive and informed by the nuances of human diversity.

The narrative of Vitamin D deficiency, while seemingly straightforward, is actually layered with a multitude of factors that influence its prevalence. A key element in this story is the role of fat in Vitamin D storage. Conditions that impair fat absorption – such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease – or weight loss procedures like gastric bypass surgery, can precipitate a deficiency in this nutrient.

The spectrum of individuals at risk extends further. Pregnant people, breastfed infants, residents of northern latitudes with limited sun exposure, and those undergoing specific medical treatments, such as for AIDS or seizures, are also susceptible. The process of Vitamin D activation, involving both the liver and the kidney, means that advanced diseases affecting these organs also elevate the risk of deficiency.

Diagnosed via a blood test, Vitamin D deficiency is often a silent condition, not betraying its presence through symptoms. However, it can manifest as fatigue, bone pain, and muscle weakness in severe cases. This insidious nature of Vitamin D deficiency, coupled with the diverse factors influencing its occurrence, underscores the importance of a nuanced understanding and a proactive approach to health that considers the complexity of human biology and its interaction with environmental and lifestyle factors

What about getting Vitamin D from the Sun?

The interaction between sunlight and our skin, a fundamental aspect of Vitamin D synthesis, unfolds through a delicate interplay of ultraviolet rays. Two primary types of UV rays reach us: UVA, largely responsible for tanning and skin aging, and UVB, which is linked to sunburns but also crucially to Vitamin D production. Both, however, carry the risk of causing skin cancer. Contrastingly, darker skin requires approximately three to five times longer to produce the same Vitamin D levels.

But this guideline is far from absolute. Lim emphasizes that factors such as season, time of day, and geographic latitude play pivotal roles. Optimal Vitamin D production is typically confined to midday hours – such as 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. – when the Sun's is at it's highest and more direct point. In contrast, during early mornings, late afternoons, and in the winter months, the Sun's angle changes, causing UVB rays to traverse a longer path through the ozone layer, which absorbs them, diminishing their effectiveness in Vitamin D synthesis.

Moreover, environmental elements like clouds, air pollution, and even windows can impede UVB rays, further complicating the equation. While sunscreen has long been suspected of disrupting Vitamin D production, recent research suggests this might not be as significant for most people.

Lim points out that relying solely on the Sun for Vitamin D is fraught with inconsistencies and unpredictability. This is compounded by the growing awareness of skin cancer risks, which has understandably led many to seek shade and cover. In light of these challenges, the American Academy of Dermatology advocates obtaining Vitamin D primarily from dietary sources. However, this too is not without its difficulties, as very few foods are 'naturally rich' in or fortified with Vitamin D, presenting a complex health puzzle that intertwines with lifestyle choices, environmental conditions, and public health guidelines

Contrary to what might be a common perception, accessing adequate Vitamin D is less about extraordinary measures and more about striking a harmonious balance. This balance involves a trifecta of sensible sun exposure, a Vitamin D-rich diet, and, if necessary, supplementation tailored to individual needs. Sensible sun exposure, it's worth noting, doesn't mean avoiding the Sun entirely. It's about seeking shade, donning protective clothing, and using sunscreen.

Perimenopause & Menopause and the effect on Personal Relationships

Discover the intricate connection between perimenopause and shifts in relationships. Explore the emotional symphony of mood changes, uncover the influence of hormonal shifts, and find strategies to navigate this journey together with resilience and understanding.

Exploring the Connection Between Perimenopause and Relationship Struggles

There is an undeniable truth that during the perimenopausal and menopausal phases, there are moments when we find ourselves drifting away from our familiar selves, caught in the undertow of mood changes that can include bouts of rage, anger, depression, and anxiety. These days often usher in an unsettling blend of sleep deprivation and heightened anxiety. In these times, when the currents of change are at their strongest, it becomes crucial to recognize the ripple effects these symptoms can create, extending their reach to touch our cherished partners. Through the undulating journey of menopause, this understanding forms an essential cornerstone for navigating the shifts in our emotional landscape while maintaining the bonds that tie us to our loved ones.

When our partners remain unaware of the profound influence these shifts wield over our emotional landscape, the very foundations of our relationships can be subjected to severe trials, hanging precariously in the balance. However, embracing a different path, we find that delving into the intricate interplay between hormonal tides and the challenges faced in relationships can unlock a potential for profound transformation. Armed with understanding, we possess the remarkable opportunity to decipher these complex nuances and share this enlightenment with our partners. We can share what we learn with our partners and create stronger, healthier bonds.

Here's more about the link between perimenopause and relationship struggles, along with healthy aging and menopause management tips that can help you and your partner get through it with flying colors.

When Does Menopause Begin?

The transition into menopause usually begins between the ages of 45 and 55—a period known as perimenopause. Menopause itself refers to the point in time 12 months after you've had your last period.

Perimenopause is when you may start noticing changes in your health-related to menopause, such as occasional hot flashes and sleepless nights. At the same time, these gradual changes may put more strain on your relationship.

What Are the Symptoms of Perimenopause?

Perimenopause brings forth a constellation of symptoms, each woman encountering them in her distinct way:

  • Night sweats
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Hair loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Brain Fog or cognitive haze
  • Changes in libido
  • Vaginal dryness and susceptibility to infections
  • Vaginal pain
  • Sleep disruptions and insomnia
  • Mood changes, anxiety, depression, or rage

This symphony of symptoms during perimenopause underscores this phase's intricate and deeply personal nature, a melody that only you can compose and interpret.

What Are the Symptoms of Menopause?

Menopause is never one-size-fits-all, as it affects each woman differently. It's normal for you to experience symptoms that bear no resemblance to those of your friends who are also going through menopause.

Common menopause symptoms include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness and infections
  • Pain or discomfort during sex
  • Lower sex drive
  • Irregular bleeding and missed periods
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Memory problems and brain fog
  • Frequent urination
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Mood changes
  • Depression and anxiety

Relationship Struggles and Perimenopause: What's the Connection?

When you consider all the symptoms of menopause, it may be easy to see why you may experience relationship struggles during this time.

Hormonal changes are the primary root cause of perimenopause symptoms. Estrogen, DHEA, testosterone, and progesterone play essential roles in many bodily processes and do not only affect your fertility. For instance, estrogen helps regulate your body temperature. Declining estrogen levels can cause a higher body temperature—particularly at night—which is why hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep deprivation are more common during menopause.

The hormone imbalances you experience during perimenopause can also indirectly affect your partner, who may not fully understand what you're going through. This can lead to confusion and frustration that strains your relationship.

Infrequent sex and reduced sexual libido can make your partner feel rejected, less attractive, and isolated. Mood changes can also lead to relationship problems, especially if your partner incorrectly assumes responsibility as the root cause of your irritability.

Relationship Tips for Perimenopause and Beyond

The key to maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner is being aware of your perimenopause symptoms and making sure your partner is also aware of them.

If you're unsure how to approach your partner about perimenopause or menopause, start by reaching out to supportive friends and family—especially those who are also going through perimenopause or who have already gone through menopause. These women can be a great source of female empowerment and offer insightful tips and advice based on their experiences.

Other steps you can take to manage your relationship during perimenopause:

  • Arm yourself with knowledge: Understanding the hormonal shifts you are experiencing can help as you go through them to demystify what's happening chemically and hormonally on the inside.
  • Be open and honest with your partner about your menopause, perimenopause, and hormone symptoms. Mention which symptoms have the most significant impact so your partner is aware.
  • Recognize when you experience mood changes. If you are still experiencing menstrual cycles, it is more common for mood shifts to take place in the second half of your cycle. You and your partner can devise solutions and activities—such as relaxation or self-care time—to combat mood changes that leave you feeling less like yourself.
  • Use humor. Having a sense of humor helps reduce relationship strain, as long as you keep it light and fun and avoid sarcasm.
  • Do healthy activities together. Exercising and eating healthy foods may help reduce your symptoms while strengthening your bond with your partner.
  • Consider menopause treatment. Hormone therapy and longevity medicine can be personalized and tailored based on your hormone levels. Telemedicine may also be an available treatment option.

FemGevity offers personalized menopause care designed by women. Schedule a free 10-minute consultation with us today to learn more about our women's longevity and women's health treatments that can help you get happily and comfortably through perimenopause.

Get Started with FemGevity Today

Postpartum, Perimenopause or Both? Decoding Hormonal Shifts After Later Age Pregnancies

Discover the unique challenges of navigating perimenopause and postpartum as a mother. Learn about the similarities and differences between these two phases, their hormonal fluctuations, and the importance of seeking proper care during these transformative periods of a woman's life.

Motherhood is a remarkable journey filled with joy, love, and the wonder of new life. However, navigating the postpartum period at a later age can present a unique set of challenges.

Many women don't realize that the hormonal shifts felt during postpartum and the beginning of perimenopause can bear striking similarities. These two phases of your reproductive journey can overlap. From night sweats to mood swings, acne to low libido, the physical and emotional impacts of both these transitions may leave you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what's happening to your body.

As many women embrace motherhood in their late 30s and early 40s, understanding the connection and distinctions between these two phases is essential. In this article, we'll explore the hormonal changes after childbirth and during perimenopause, highlighting similarities and differences, and guide you on finding the best care.

The Postpartum Period

The postpartum and perimenopause phases involve significant hormonal fluctuations, especially within reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating your menstrual cycle, influencing your mood, physical health, and overall well-being.

The "fourth trimester," or postpartum period, begins immediately after childbirth and ushers in a roller coaster of hormonal change. Within the first 24 hours after giving birth, levels of estrogen and progesterone, which were at their peak during pregnancy, plummet. This sudden hormone shift can lead to a variety of physical responses and can trigger mood swings or the 'baby blues.' In the coming weeks, more severe postpartum depression and anxiety, acne, headaches, and hair loss may also affect your life.

The postpartum period typically lasts around six months, but for breastfeeding women, it can extend beyond. The difference between the postpartum and perimenopause phases, however, is that your body will eventually recalibrate your hormones to their pre-pregnancy levels.

But what if you find you're still not feeling like yourself long after the postpartum period should have ended?

It's possible that your hormones may not have rebalanced after pregnancy — or you may be entering perimenopause.

The Perimenopause Transition

Perimenopause typically begins in a woman's 40s but can occur earlier. During this phase of life, levels of estrogen and progesterone start to fluctuate unpredictably, resulting in irregular menstrual cycles and a range of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, including night sweats, brain fog, and loss of libido.

Every woman's experience of perimenopause is unique; it's important to remember that this transitional period will eventually come to an end. As perimenopause advances, estrogen and progesterone levels continue to decrease, signaling your body's slow journey toward halting estrogen production altogether.

While erratic, perimenopause is typically more of a gradual estrogen retreat than the postpartum period and can last between four months to ten years. Menopause also brings about significant and lasting impacts on your health and well-being, including effects on your heart and bone health. That's why it's crucial to stay aware and informed about the changes happening in your body.  

For women experiencing the dual transitions of the postpartum period and the onset of perimenopause, these changes can feel especially impactful and confusing. Talking to your healthcare provider about your symptoms, rather than assuming they will resolve them on their own, can help you get the care you need to manage this time of transition.

Wondering what symptoms you may experience if your postpartum and perimenopause transitions overlap?

Common Symptoms

  • Brain Fog
  • Breast tenderness
  • Decreased libido
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Irregular periods
  • Mental health concerns, including depression and anxiety
  • Mood changes
  • Night sweats
  • Skin changes, including acne or dry skin
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain

Getting the Right Care

To determine whether your hormone levels haven't rebalanced post-baby or if you're entering perimenopause, it's important to find a healthcare provider knowledgeable about hormones and menopause.

Comprehensive lab testing can help identify your current hormone levels and track changes. Through detailed analysis of your lab results, personal history, and goals, you and your healthcare provider will be able to decide on the right treatment to help manage the symptoms you're experiencing and potentially bring your hormones into realignment.

Just as every woman's health journey is unique, your care should be too. At Femgevity, our specialists use the latest diagnostics to develop tailored and effective treatment plans. For some women transitioning from the postpartum to the perimenopause phase, hormone therapy may be an empowering choice to treat their symptoms. Your treatment plan may also include personalized lifestyle changes like increasing physical activity, making dietary changes, or embracing mindfulness techniques.

Whether you're dealing with postpartum or perimenopause hormone fluctuations, or the overlapping complexities of both, it's important to remember you're not alone. The key is understanding your body, listening to it, and seeking the care you need. At FemGevity, we provide comprehensive, personalized care to guide you through these significant life stages so you can feel like yourself again and confidently enjoy the best years of your life.

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Menopause Solutions: Improving Bone Health

Explore effective menopause solutions to manage symptoms and promote bone health. Discover the importance of calcium, vitamin D, and weight training for optimal well-being during this transformative stage of life

Menopause isn’t just hot flashes and vaginal dryness. There are many frustrating side effects associated with menopause, but also some that can be life-altering even past the menopausal years. Menopausal women are at high risk for illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and osteoporosis. While these symptoms can be distressing and frustrating, it is crucial to recognize that menopause also brings about other challenges that can have long-lasting effects even beyond this stage and there are things we can do now at 40, 50 and 60 to make our marginal decade of 90 and 100+ one where we can still do the activities we enjoy.

Menopause is the key to unlocking longevity and FemGevity is here to help you navigate that.

Let's start with how bone health can be improved during menopause

Bone loss for women is the highest at the time of menopause. 

It is so important to get your bone mineral density (BMD) checked by a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or a DEXA scan. Some risk factors for low BMD are:

  1. Advanced age – as women age, the risk of osteoporosis increases 
  2. Low body weight
  3. Genetics – if someone else in your family has had bone fractures, you may be at risk
  4. Smoking 
  5. Having certain conditions like Celiac disease, which can impact your absorption
  6. History of a fracture in the past 

While good nutrition is important, it is critical to be mindful that regular physical activity (especially weight training) plays a key role in bone health for women, especially during menopause. There are also many wonderful drug therapies to help reduce your fracture risk if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, including some natural hormone therapies such as estrogen and progesterone compounds.  

While maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is vital, it is equally crucial to recognize the critical role that calcium and vitamin D play in promoting bone health during menopause. Adequate calcium intake is essential for maintaining bone density and strength. Good sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy green vegetables (such as broccoli and kale), fortified plant-based milk, and almonds. Additionally, vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption. Spending time in the sun, in a safe manner (taking care to protect your face from excessive exposure), can help boost vitamin D levels naturally. When sunlight exposure is limited, dietary sources like fatty fish, fortified dairy or plant-based milk, and egg yolks can provide vitamin D as well.

In addition to proper nutrition, incorporating weight training into your exercise routine is highly beneficial for both preventing bone loss and maintaining muscle mass during menopause. Lifting weights, particularly heavy weights, stimulates bone formation and helps counteract the natural decline in bone density. Engaging in resistance training exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, can be effective in preserving bone health and overall strength. However, it is important to consult with a qualified fitness professional to ensure proper form and technique to avoid injury

Menopause encompasses a range of symptoms and challenges that extend beyond hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Osteoporosis, in particular, poses significant health risks for menopausal women. By raising awareness about the importance of bone health and emphasizing preventive measures, we can empower women to optimize their well-being during this transformative stage of life. Remember, a proactive approach to managing menopause symptoms and preventing osteoporosis can help women lead healthy and fulfilling lives beyond menopause.

If you haven’t had a DXA scan in the last few years, make an appointment with your doctor to get one now. And if you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia already, ask your doctor your best possible options available for treatment.

Natural Remedies for Menopausal Hot Flashes

Discover how phytoestrogens found in everyday foods like soy and spruce lignans could offer relief from menopausal hot flashes. Explore their potential as a natural alternative to hormone therapy in our latest blog post.

For many women, menopause is more than just a stage of aging; it's a series of physiological and emotional adjustments. Starting typically around age 50, it's a transition many see as an unwelcome guest, bringing along disturbances like the notorious hot flashes. But what if our plant-based diet could offer some relief?

Hot flashes - that almost cinematic moment where women experience an overwhelming warmth, a reddening of the chest, neck, and face, followed often by perspiration - are, unfortunately, a reality for about 85% of women going through menopause. For some, this isn't just a fleeting experience: two-thirds report these episodes for over two years, and over a third grapple with them for over half a decade.

Behind the scenes, these flushes of heat might result from a disturbance in the body's temperature controls, stemming from declining estrogen levels during menopause. Interestingly, it's not just the low estrogen but the act of withdrawing from it, linked with these sudden thermal surges.

Now, onto the world of plants. Enter phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds with a structure similar to the human hormone estrogen, allowing them to bind to estrogen receptors in the body. These phytoestrogens are found in everyday foods like beans, broccoli, and berries. The compounds bear a resemblance to the estrogen our bodies produce. They can attach themselves to estrogen receptors in our system and influence their activity, albeit at a potency much lower than our body's natural estrogen.

One phytoestrogen, genistein, has shown particular promise. Genistein is an isoflavone, a phytoestrogen primarily found in soy products.

Because of this ability to bind to estrogen receptors, genistein can exert both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. This dual nature has made genistein an interest in various health-related studies. In a meticulously designed year-long study, postmenopausal women taking genistein supplements experienced over half the hot flashes they used to, and those episodes were about 40% less intense. Another study confirmed genistein's potential, noting a 51% drop in hot flash occurrence among its participants.

Another botanical player, the spruce lignans - extracted from Norwegian spruce - also holds promise. Women given these phytoestrogens witnessed a staggering 50% drop in their weekly hot flash count in just two months. Even the more severe episodes saw an approximately 80% decline.

Here's the big picture: as menopause sets in, estrogen goes on a bit of a rollercoaster before settling down, leading to those pesky hot flashes for many. For women who can't take hormones or don't want to take hormones, plants, with their phytoestrogens, might offer a buffer, helping maintain a semblance of balance.

The body of evidence is steadily growing, and as we anticipate further research, it's intriguing to contemplate the possibility that our dietary choices could serve as a potential remedy for one of the most troublesome symptoms of menopause.

Menopause and Breast Tenderness

Discover the causes and solutions for breast tenderness during menopause in this informative guide, empowering women with knowledge to navigate this transitional phase confidently.

Unlocking the Solutions of Breast Tenderness and Breast Soreness in Menopause

As women transition through menopause, they often encounter a myriad of physical and emotional changes. One common symptom that can cause discomfort and concern is tender breasts. Breast tenderness, soreness, or pain is a prevalent concern that impacts a significant number of women throughout their lifetime, with up to 70% experiencing it at some point. While it becomes less frequent after menopause, due to the loss of estrogen, breast tenderness can affect women of all ages and should always be discussed with your health care provider. 

Fortunately, sore and tender breasts during menopause are commonly benign and typically temporary.  Many cases can be effectively managed using simple home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. If you are currently experiencing breast tenderness or breast soreness during menopause this comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable insight and we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss you symptoms with you health care provider. 

As most women are in the age of 40+ by the time they reach menopauyse (not, all but most) we recommend and it is recommended by the american cancer society and the American College of obgyns to get a mammogram every year at the age of 40 and even earlier in some cases. We are pleased to address the topic of proper breast screening health in relation to your breast tenderness. Engaging in appropriate breast screening can provide reassurance by determining if your breast tenderness is hormonally related or within the realm of normalcy, as indicated by normal screening results

Understanding Breast Tenderness during Menopause

Breast tenderness, also known as mastalgia, occurs when the breasts feel sore, sensitive, or painful. During menopause, hormonal changes play a significant role in triggering breast tenderness. As estrogen levels decline, breast tissue can become more sensitive, leading to discomfort. Additionally, imbalances between estrogen and progesterone can contribute to the intensity of breast tenderness.

For those that are still ovulating and have a menstrual cycle, about one week before the menstrual period, there is a peak in progesterone levels. This hormonal surge stimulates the growth of milk glands in the breasts and can lead to . Water retention, causing temporary enlargement of the breasts. As a result of these combined changes, the breasts may become swollen and tender and sore. This type of breast pain or breast tenderness is often termed cyclical breast pain typically manifests as an ache or tenderness that affects both breasts.

Non-cyclical breast tenderness refers to breast soreness or breast pain that is not related to the menstrual cycle. Unlike cyclical breast pain that occurs in a pattern, non-cyclical breast tenderness can present at any time and is not linked to hormonal fluctuations. It can affect one breast or both. Unilateral breast soreness specifically refers to pain experienced in only one breast. Non=cyclical or unilateral breast tenderness may have various causes, including injury, infection, inflammation, cysts, fibroadenomas, mastitis, or even certain medications. 

It is important to keep in mind that breasts are not always symmetrical so enlargement in one breast or the other may trigger cyclical breast changes in a non-cyclical way. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment for effective pain management. And remember appropriate breast screening can most often alleviate any serious health concerns. 

Diagnosing Breast Tenderness

While breast tenderness during menopause is generally benign, it is crucial to differentiate it from other breast-related conditions. Persistent or severe breast pain, the presence of lumps, puckering of the skin nipple discharge, or any other concerning symptoms should be evaluated by a healthcare professional right away. Regular mammograms and breast examinations remain essential during menopause to ensure early detection of any potential issues. Engaging in routine breast self-examinations (monthly) empowers women to become more familiar with their breasts and report any changes promptly.

Management Strategies for Breast Tenderness

Thankfully, numerous evidence-based strategies can effectively alleviate breast tenderness during menopause. By adopting a holistic approach that incorporates lifestyle modifications and, if necessary, medical interventions, women can find relief from this discomfort.

  1. Wear a supportive bra: Investing in a well-fitting and supportive bra can provide comfort and reduce breast movement, thus alleviating tenderness.
  2. Stop smoking or cut back on smoking: Smoking is known to have detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system and can lead to reduced blood flow to various parts of the body, including the breasts.
  3. Apply warm or cold compresses: Alternating between warm and cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and provide soothing relief.
  4. Engage in regular exercise: Incorporating moderate aerobic exercises and strength training into your routine can help regulate hormonal balance and reduce breast tenderness.
  5. Maintain a balanced diet: Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to provide essential nutrients and support hormonal balance.
  6. Explore herbal remedies: Some herbal supplements, such as evening primrose oil and black cohosh, have shown potential in reducing breast pain and hormonal fluctuations. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplements into your regimen.
  7. Consider over-the-counter pain relievers: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help alleviate breast tenderness when used as directed.
  8. Consult a healthcare professional: If home remedies and over-the-counter options do not provide sufficient relief, it may be appropriate to consult a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your specific situation and consider medical interventions, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), to manage breast tenderness effectively.

The Take Away

Breast tenderness during menopause is a common and often transient symptom that can cause discomfort. By understanding the underlying hormonal changes and implementing evidence-based management strategies, women can effectively alleviate breast tenderness and improve their overall well-being. This comprehensive guide offers valuable insights and practical advice to empower women to navigate this aspect of their menopausal journey with confidence. Remember, if you have any concerns or persistent symptoms, always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and care.

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How to Get Rid of Menopause Acne for Good.

Discover effective strategies for managing menopausal acne and get rid of it for good. Learn how hormonal changes during perimenopause can trigger acne, skincare routines to follow, lifestyle changes to make, and medical interventions to consider for clearer and radiant skin.

It’s a common misconception that acne is at its worst during your teenage years. The reality is that roughly 25% of women in their 40s and 15% of women in their 50s experience acne — even if they didn’t have many breakouts when they were younger. 

While there are many reasons you might develop acne later in life — such as stress, dietary and environmental factors, sleep deprivation, and genetics — the hormonal changes associated with perimenopause are often the culprit for particularly stubborn and painful cystic acne. 

But before you reach for the Clearasil to zap those bumps back to the ‘90s, it's important to understand what’s happening with your skin during perimenopause and what it really needs during this phase of life.

What does hormonal acne look like?

Hormonal adult acne typically forms on the lower part of your face. This includes the bottom of your cheeks, chin, and around your jawline, though it can happen anywhere on your body. 

Hormonal acne usually shows up as cystic bumps. These bumps form deep under the skin and don’t come to a head on the surface. They’re often tender to the touch and out of reach of most topical medications. Cystic acne bumps can last long and often leave scars or red marks.

How do hormones impact your skin?

With millions of hormone receptors in our skin, our reproductive hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, play a vital role in keeping our skin healthy. In particular, the powerhouse hormone estrogen promotes hydration by enhancing our skin's ability to retain moisture. Estrogen also stimulates collagen production, which gives skin its firmness and elasticity and encourages cell turnover. 

Your skin is covered in sebaceous glands, which produce an oily substance called sebum. Sebum helps moisturize and protect your skin from infection. Testosterone and progesterone both influence the production of sebum and the size of your pores. If you have too much sebum or an overabundance of dead skin cells, it can block the opening of your pores and create a space for bacteria to thrive. 

How does menopause affect acne?

During perimenopause — which can last anywhere from 4-10 years before your final period — your levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone will start to change. 

As estrogen declines, it causes your skin to become thinner, drier, and less elastic. More wrinkles will appear as the production of collagen decreases. You may also notice that scars or marks stay longer as your skin’s cell regeneration slows. Your testosterone level will also diminish — just not as quickly as estrogen. 

The imbalance of these hormones is one of the major triggers of adult acne. Testosterone influences the size of your sebaceous gland, causing it to get bigger and produce more sebum. It also makes the size of your pores smaller. At the same time, lower estrogen levels make it more challenging for your skin to shed dead skin cells as efficiently. This combination is the perfect formula for clogged pores and means bacteria have a higher chance of getting trapped in your skin.

While we often associate oily skin with acne, the fact is that many women going through perimenopause actually experience dry skin and acne. The remedies you might have reached for as a teenager are likely too harsh for your skin now and may even make the problem worse.

It’s also worth noting that many women going through menopause have high levels of stress. Stress can cause your body to produce more androgens, like testosterone. In one study, daily stress was shown to exacerbate acne in a third of adult female patients.

How do you care for hormonal acne during menopause?

Treating hormone-related acne isn’t easy. You often need to address the root cause and repair damage on the outside if you want to see results. If you can, visiting a dermatologist at this stage of life, one who can recommend the right over-the-counter treatments and possibly prescribe medications is best. 

However, we also recommend finding a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about menopause to help you better understand what’s happening in your body to address the root cause of your acne.

Establish the right skincare routine

The first step to treating menopause-related acne is to find the right skincare routine for your skin type. Remember, many women will find their skin drier than it used to be because sebum production slows down as we age.

If you’ve always had oily skin, you might notice that your skin is now combination or even normal. Or your skin might feel dehydrated and flakey when you’ve always had combination skin.

To determine your skin type, wash your face with a gentle cleanser, then gently pat it dry. Wait 30 minutes. If your skin appears shiny all over, it’s a good indication that you have oily skin. You probably have combination skin if the shine is only in your T-zone. And if it feels tight or looks flaky, you likely have dry skin. 

Skincare routine for menopausal acne

Use a gentle cleanser

Wash your face with a gentle cleanser with a low salicylic acid level. Salicylic acid will help unclog your pores without drying out your skin. Avoid scrubs as they can be overly abrasive, leading to inflammation and potential scarring.

If you have dry skin: Rather than reaching for a cleaner for acne that includes benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, choose a hydrating cream cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils.

Spot treat with an antimicrobial 

Benzoyl peroxide is an antimicrobial that helps eliminate the bacteria that cause acne, but it can be extremely drying to your skin. Spot treating will help get rid of your acne and reduce the amount of dryness and irritation.

Use a topical retinoid

Retinol unclogs pores by sloughing away dead skin cells, helping your complexion stay clear. It also helps prevent inflammation, boosts collagen, and improves skin elasticity. Retinol can be potentially irritating, causing dryness and flaking, so start slow and increase use only as your skin tolerates.

If you have dry skin: Hold off on using products with alpha-hydroxy acids (like glycolic or lactic acid) or beta-hydroxy acids (salicylic acid) while starting retinoids, and add them in once a week only when your skin is already tolerating the retinoids.

Choose the right moisturizer

Moisturizing is crucial, even for oily skin. Opt for formulas that include dimethicone, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, or sodium pyrrolidone carboxylic acid. These ingredients help retain moisture without clogging pores.

If you have dry skin: One of the most common causes of acne with dry skin is a damaged skin barrier. A healthy skin barrier can reduce your skin’s reaction to products and external triggers. Look for moisturizers with ceramides or squalane to boost and repair your skin barrier. 

Apply sunscreen daily

Sun protection is a must, especially as hormonal changes can increase sensitivity to UV rays. Select a non-comedogenic sunscreen (won't block pores), hypoallergenic, and formulated not to trigger acne.

Lifestyle Changes

There are many ways you can be proactive about preventing acne from forming. We recommend:

Reducing your sugar and dairy intake

Sugar and dairy can contribute to acne by spiking insulin levels and the hormone androgen. This, in turn, can increase sebum production and inflammation. Consider going on a low-glycemic diet that focuses on keeping your blood sugar levels on track or a Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to help reduce acne.

Boost phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body but with a milder impact. Foods rich in phytoestrogens — such as soy products, flaxseeds, and various nuts and seeds — can help balance hormones by providing a buffer against the fluctuating levels of estrogen that contribute to acne during menopause. 

Adding skin health-promoting supplements to your routine

Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E provide a spectrum of skin-supporting benefits that promote repair and regeneration. Omega-3 fatty acids can help manage inflammation, a key player in acne outbreaks. Zinc is known for its wound-healing and antibacterial properties, which can be particularly useful in combating acne. Echinacea can also reduce bacterial-induced inflammation. Be sure to discuss any supplements you’re adding to your diet with your healthcare provider.


If your skin isn’t responding to your new skincare routine and lifestyle changes, oral medications can clear your skin from the inside out. We recommend working with a dermatologist to determine your next steps. A dermatologist may prescribe a short-term use antibiotic such as Doxycycline, androgen blockers such as Spironolactone, or topical treatments like Clindamycin.

Hormone replacement therapy

If hormones are the driving cause of your acne, then one of the most effective ways you can treat menopausal symptoms is by balancing your hormones. 

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help restore hormonal equilibrium within your body, targeting the imbalances that might be contributing to your skin concerns. At FemGevity, our approach to HRT is to tailor your prescription to your individual needs, aiming not only to alleviate the symptoms of hormonal acne but to enhance your overall sense of wellness.

Get rid of menopause acne for good

While hormonal acne at this stage of life might feel like an unwelcome reminder from your teenage years, there are thankfully more effective methods to manage it now. The right blend of skincare and lifestyle changes can pave the way to clearer skin. Coupled with guidance from the right dermatologist and a menopause-savvy healthcare provider, you can develop a personalized strategy and access the medical interventions you need to feel radiant inside and out.


An Bras Dermatol. (2019). Adult female acne: a guide to clinical practice. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6360964/

Clinical Interventions in Aging. (2007). Effect of estrogens on skin againg and the potential role of SERMs. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2685269/

International Journal of Women’s Health. (2019). Menopausal Acne - Challenges And Solutions. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6825478/

Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). (2021). Acne Vulgaris and Intake of Selected Dietary Nutrients-A Summary of Information. Retrieved from:


Healthline. (2022). Understanding how your skin changes during menopause. Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/menopause-skin-changes#how-skin-changes

The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. (2017). Emerging issues in adult female acne. Retrieved from:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5300732/

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. (2016). Guidelines of care for the management of acne vulgaris. Retrieved from: https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(15)02614-6/fulltext#secsectitle0055

The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. (2014). Moisturizers for Acne: What are their Constituents? Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4025519/

Sleepless in Menopause: How to Find Rest in the Midst of Change

Discover how to prioritize your health and well-being during menopause with expert tips on getting restful sleep and reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Learn how to make lifestyle changes to maintain a positive outlook and reduce your risk of complications. With the right care and support, you can navigate this exciting new chapter with confidence and joy!

Lack of sleep can have serious health consequences for women in menopause. There is evidence to suggest that lack of sleep may increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in women over 40. Studies have shown that poor sleep quality, as well as lack of sleep, may contribute to the development of these conditions.

The exact mechanisms by which lack of sleep increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's are not fully understood, but it is believed that poor sleep may affect the brain's ability to clear toxic proteins that accumulate in the brain and contribute to the development of these conditions.Additionally, lack of sleep may also lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia and Alzheimer's.

Some of the most common issues associated with lack of sleep during menopause include:

  • Hormonal imbalances: Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's hormonal balance, which can lead to an increase in hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms.
  • Mood changes: Lack of sleep can cause mood changes, such as depression, irritability, and anxiety.
  • Cognitive impairment: Lack of sleep can affect cognitive function, leading to problems with memory, attention, and decision-making.
  • Cardiovascular disease: Lack of sleep is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which is already more prevalent during menopause.
  • Weight gain: Lack of sleep can affect appetite and metabolism, leading to weight gain.

It is important for women in menopause to prioritize sleep and make sure they are getting enough restful sleep each night. This may involve making lifestyle changes, such as setting a regular sleep schedule, avoiding stimulating activities before bedtime, and creating a comfortable sleep environment.

It's also important to note that other factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and overall health, can also play a role in the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 2 diabetes, which is the most common form, is usually caused by a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors.

Research has shown that women who are postmenopausal have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The decrease in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to weight gain and changes in insulin sensitivity, which can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.There is also an increase in risk due to increase in body weight and decreasing muscle mass that can also occur during this time. It's important for women who are approaching or going through menopause to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Untreated diabetes can have serious health consequences for women over 40, especially if the condition is not properly managed. Some of the most common complications of untreated diabetes in women over 40 include:

  • Cardio vascular disease: Diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. 
  • Kidney damage: Diabetes can cause damage to the kidneys, which can lead to kidney failure.
  • Nerve damage: Diabetes can damage the nerves, which can lead to numbness, tingling, and pain in the hands and feet.
  • Eye problems: Diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels in the eyes, which can lead to blindness.
  • Foot problems: Diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels in the feet, which can lead to poor circulation, making it harder to heal infections, cuts and sores.
  • Skin problems: Diabetes can cause skin problems such as fungal infections, itching, and slowhealing of cuts and sores.

It is essential that women over 40 with diabetes receive regular medical care and follow a treatment plan to manage their blood sugar levels and prevent these complications. This may involve taking medications, monitoring blood sugar levels, making life style changes, and working closely with a healthcare provider to manage the condition.

Gut Feeling: How Your Microbiome Affects Your Health and Well-Being

Discover the incredible impact of your gut microbiome on your overall health and well-being!Discover the incredible impact of your gut microbiome on your overall health and well-being! Tips on diet, inflammation, and more. Plus, uncover the warning signs of a troubled microbiome and how to nurture your gut for a happier, healthier digestive system.

The gastrointestinal (GI) system is a vital component of the human body, responsible for digesting and absorbing the nutrients necessary for optimal health. When the GI system is compromised, it can lead to various symptoms, including brain fog and insomnia. Understanding the underlying causes of these symptoms and the triggers for GI issues can help people make necessary lifestyle changes to improve their health.

The GI system can be affected by numerous factors, such as toxins, infections, stress, and diet. Common symptoms of GI issues include inflammation, catabolic physiology, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. Leaky gut, another prevalent issue related to GI problems, occurs when the gut's structure changes, leading to complications. Triggers for leaky gut include emotional stress, diet, toxic chemicals, poor exercise habits, and hormonal imbalances.

GI warning signs to watch for include constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), joint and muscle aches, anemia, increased allergies, chronic fatigue, and immune dysfunction. Surprisingly, some individuals may not experience any symptoms at all.

Inflammation in the body can lead to the production of inflammatory mediators. When inflamed, our body diverts resources from producing neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, to dealing with inflammation through mediators such as picolinate and quinolinate. This shift can cause patients to feel more depressed.

Babies born through C-section and those who were not breastfed are more likely to have inflammatory issues due to an incomplete gut microbiome. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, cannot pass the blood-brain barrier, so it cannot leave the gut to reach the brain. Low serotonin levels can impact appetite and lead to overeating and weight gain.

Improving one's diet and reducing inflammation in the gut can enhance brain health and alleviate anxiety and depression. For individuals with inflammation, 5HTP, rather than tryptophan, is recommended to support the serotonin pathway. Neurotransmitter metabolism markers, such as kynurenate, quinolinate, and picolinate, play a crucial role in determining the GI system's health.

Tyrosine can help calm anxious patients and improve sleep for about 15% of people. On the other hand, 85% of people take 5HTP for better sleep. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), commonly prescribed for anxiety and depression, deplete serotonin stores in platelets, which is why they may not be the best solution for everyone.

The GI system is crucial for overall human health, and when compromised, it can lead to various symptoms, including brain fog and insomnia. By understanding the underlying causes and triggers of GI issues, people can make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve their health and well-being.

Gratitude During Menopause

Discover how gratitude can be your ally during menopause. Learn how practicing gratitude reduces stress, enhances sleep, and boosts emotional resilience, making this life transition more manageable and fulfilling

It's that time of year when we come together with our loved ones and celebrate gratitude. Sometimes, with the daily struggle of menopause and midlife It can feel overwhelming to find a place for thanks, but research shows that women who do take the time to be thankful are healthier and happier for it.

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, typically occurring in her late 40s or early 50s, when her reproductive system gradually ceases to function. It is a time marked by significant hormonal changes, which can lead to various physical and emotional symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. Practicing gratitude during the menopausal transition can be a valuable tool for coping with these changes and promoting overall well-being.

How does a focus on gratitude impact mental health? Research shows that it can reduce stress and improve physical and mental health.

Many studies over the past decade have found that people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed. This positive shift in mindset can be particularly beneficial during the menopausal transition when hormonal changes can contribute to mood swings and increased stress.

In a study, one group wrote about things they were grateful for that had occurred during the week. A second group wrote about daily irritations or things that had displeased them, and the third wrote about events that had affected them (with no emphasis on them being positive or negative). After 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives. Surprisingly, they also exercised more and had fewer visits to physicians than those who focused on sources of aggravation (source: Harvard Health).

There's a growing body of research on the benefits of gratitude. Studies have found that giving thanks and counting blessings can help people sleep better, lower stress, and improve interpersonal relationships. These benefits can be particularly valuable during menopause when sleep disturbances and mood swings are common (source: NPR).

A large study conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University showed that thankfulness predicted a significantly lower risk of major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, phobia, nicotine dependence, alcohol dependence, and drug abuse. This suggests that incorporating gratitude into your daily routine during menopause can have a positive impact on your mental health (source: NAMI).

Experiments have shown that people who partake in the "three good things" exercise, which prompts individuals to think of three good moments or things that happened that day, see considerable improvements in depression and overall happiness, sometimes in as little as a couple of weeks. This practice can be particularly helpful during the emotional ups and downs of menopause (source: Time).

Incorporating gratitude practices into your daily life during menopause can be a powerful tool for managing stress, improving emotional well-being, and enhancing your overall mental health. These practices can help you navigate the challenges of this life transition with a positive outlook and a greater sense of resilience. Remember that menopause is a unique and individual experience, and finding strategies that work for you, including gratitude, can make the journey more manageable and fulfilling.

Estrobolome: Unveiling the Gut-Hormone Connection

Explore Estrobolome, Gut Health, and Hormonal Balance. Understand the link between GI issues and symptoms like brain fog and insomnia. Discover how dysbiosis affects hormonal health and find strategies for promoting gut health and estrogen balance.

The Gut-Hormone Relationship

Traditionally, we've viewed our reproductive and digestive systems as separate entities, seeking medical attention from different specialists. However, emerging research on gut health over the past decade has shed light on the interconnectedness of these systems. The microbiome, a vast collection of microorganisms in our gut, exerts a profound influence on our overall health, including hormonal balance.

The gastrointestinal (GI) system is a vital component of the human body, responsible for digesting and absorbing the nutrients necessary for optimal health. When the GI system is compromised, it can lead to various symptoms, no just symptoms realted to hormonal health, but also symptoms, including brain fog and insomnia. Understanding the underlying causes of these symptoms and the triggers for GI issues can help people make necessary lifestyle changes to improve their health.

The GI system can be affected by numerous factors, such as toxins, infections, stress, and diet. Common symptoms of GI issues include inflammation, catabolic physiology, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. Leaky gut, another prevalent issue related to GI problems, occurs when the gut's structure changes, leading to complications. Triggers for leaky gut include emotional stress, diet, toxic chemicals, poor exercise habits, and hormonal imbalances.

GI warning signs to watch for include constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), joint and muscle aches, anemia, increased allergies, chronic fatigue, and immune dysfunction. Surprisingly, some individuals may not experience any symptoms at all.

Inflammation in the body can lead to the production of inflammatory mediators. When inflamed, our body diverts resources from producing neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, to dealing with inflammation through mediators such as picolinate and quinolinate. This shift can cause patients to feel more depressed.

Understanding Estrogen

Let's begin with a brief primer on estrogen. Estrogen encompasses three chemically similar molecules that play vital roles in the development and function of the female reproductive system. It also affects bone health, memory, moods, heart health, cholesterol levels, and much more. The three primary forms of estrogen are estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3).

Balancing Estrogen

Estrogen levels fluctuate throughout our menstrual and life cycles, and imbalances can manifest in various hormonal and gynecologic health issues. Excess estrogen can lead to irregular periods, mood swings, weight struggles, headaches, acne, and digestive symptoms. On the other hand, low estrogen levels can result in sleep problems, mood changes, vaginal dryness, and other discomforts. Achieving a harmonious estrogen balance is crucial for optimal health.

Enter the Estrobolome

Your body possesses a remarkable system dedicated to regulating estrogen levels – the estrobolome. This unique microbiome within your gut microbiome consists of bacteria equipped with specific genes that aid in estrogen metabolism. The estrobolome plays a central role in maintaining the delicate balance of estrogen throughout your menstrual and life cycles.

How It Works

Throughout your cycles and life stages, your body continuously produces estrogen. After circulating throughout your system, estrogen reaches the liver, where it undergoes breakdown into metabolites. These metabolites are then either eliminated or reabsorbed into your intestines for final processing. The estrobolome bacteria produce an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase, which breaks down estrogen into active forms. These forms are either excreted or reabsorbed, contributing to the balance of estrogen in your body.

Harnessing Plant Power

Interestingly, your estrobolome can convert phytoestrogens, naturally occurring plant compounds found in foods like leafy greens, legumes, and flax seeds, into estrogen-like compounds. This process allows your body to utilize these plant-based estrogens, which can have protective effects on your hormonal health.

The Impact of Dysbiosis

Dysbiosis, an imbalance in the gut microbiome, can disrupt the estrobolome's function and estrogen balance. Factors such as a diet low in fiber, high stress levels, excessive use of antibiotics and medications, inadequate sleep, and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to dysbiosis. This disruption not only affects digestion but also influences the delicate hormonal equilibrium in your body.

Implications for Hormonal Health

The gut-hormone connection holds profound implications for various hormonal and gynecologic conditions. Imbalances in the estrobolome can contribute to premenstrual symptoms, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), cyclic breast pain, and estrogen-related cancers. Restoring a healthy gut microbiome is crucial

The GI system is crucial for overall human health, and when compromised, it can lead to various symptoms, including brain fog, insomnia and hormone imbalanves. By understanding the underlying causes and triggers of GI issues, people can make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve their health and well-being.

Listen to your gut, it may be trying to tell you something!  Improving your diet and reducing inflammation can enhance brain health and alleviate anxiety and depression, while paying attention to warning signs such as constipation, diarrhea, and bloating can help identify potential problems.

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease: Calcium Scan vs CT Angiography

Explore the pros and cons of cardiovascular imaging tests with our latest blog comparing the calcium scan and CT angiography. Learn which test suits your risk factors and preferences for assessing cardiovascular health.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death worldwide, with millions of people affected by it every year. It is a complex disease with various risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity, among others. Early detection of CVD is crucial for prevention and treatment, and imaging tests such as the calcium scan and CT angiography (CTA) can help identify people at risk. Let’s explore the differences between calcium scan and CTA, their benefits and drawbacks, and how they can help prevent CVD.

Calcium Scan

A calcium scan is a non-invasive imaging test that uses low-dose X-rays to measure the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries. Calcium in the arteries is a sign of plaque buildup, which can narrow the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. A calcium score is calculated based on the amount of calcium detected in the scan, which can range from 0 to over 1,000.

One of the advantages of the calcium scan is that it is low in radiation and very inexpensive, costing a few hundred dollars. It also doesn't require contrast dye, which some people may be allergic to or have adverse reactions. However, most insurance companies don't cover it, and patients have to pay out of pocket.

The amount of calcium detected in the scan is strongly related to the amount of plaque in the arteries, and therefore, it can help identify people at risk of CVD. However, it's worth noting that an elevated calcium score is not always a predictor of adverse events, especially in intense athletes who may have increased calcium due to their training regimen.

CT Angiography

CT angiography is a more advanced imaging test that provides more detailed information about the coronary arteries, including the presence of blockages or stenosis. It uses contrast dye and high-dose X-rays to create 3D images of the arteries.

Compared to the calcium scan, CTA provides more information about the arteries' structure and function, making it a valuable tool for diagnosis and treatment planning. However, it is more expensive, costing $2,000-2,500, and carries a higher radiation dose than the calcium scan. Most insurance companies don't cover it, and patients have to pay out of pocket.


CT angiography can also be used in combination with other tests, such as CT fractional flow reserve (CT FFR) and fat attenuation index (FAI), to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the arteries.

CT FFR is a non-invasive test that measures blood flow through narrow or blocked arteries and helps identify people who need invasive procedures such as stents. FAI measures the characteristics of the fat around the plaque and predicts how much inflammation is around the plaque due to the fat content.

Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major risk factor for CVD and is defined as blood pressure above 120/80 mmHg. Recent studies have shown that even mildly elevated blood pressure can increase the risk of adverse events, and blood pressure should not be considered a normal process of aging.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a gamechanger in medicine since patients usually get their blood pressure checked in-office 1-2 times a year, which may not accurately reflect their true blood pressure. ABPM provides more accurate and reliable readings, enabling better management of hypertension.

The Best BP Management Medication

According to Dr. Weiss, a thiazide diuretic is the best medication for managing blood pressure. Thiazide diuretics are effective

The best way to prevent cardiovascular disease is with early detection and the management of risk factors. Two imaging tests that can help with early detection are the calcium scan and CT angiography. While both have their pros and cons, the calcium scan is a more cost-effective and low-radiation option. Managing blood pressure is also crucial, and recent studies have shown that keeping it below 120/80 can significantly reduce the risk of adverse events. Thiazide diuretics are the preferred medication for blood pressure management, but ACE inhibitors and ARBs may be more suitable for certain subpopulations. Overall, it's important to address the four risk pillars of smoking, hypertension, ApoB, and metabolic health to prevent atherosclerosis and related complications

Estrogen's Crucial Role in Postmenopausal Cardiovascular Health.

Discover Estrogen's Impact on Heart Health Post-Menopause. Learn about Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) & Nutrition for Cardiovascular Protection. Tailored for Women in Menopause.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) stands tall as the foremost killer among women, 1:3 to be exact. This a statistic that is both troubling and wrought with opportunity. The data paints an interesting picture: before menopause, women generally experience a lower CVD incidence than their male peers. But post-menopause, that narrative changes significantly. Even though we continue to try to place the blame on a different factor, the culprit over and over again turns out to be a dramatic drop in estrogen levels, the dominant female sex hormone.

Looking deeper, we find estrogen isn't just pivotal for its famed reproductive role. Dive deep into its molecular dance, and you'll discover it's a natural cardioprotective agent. In laboratory settings and animal tests, estrogen emerges as a hero for the heart. Its functions are multifaceted, supporting everything from healthy mitochondrial operation to normal blood vessel dilation. But its most standout role lies in countering oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress isn't just a fancy term thrown around in biology and biohacking labs. It's pivotal in the CVD narrative. Estrogen has this remarkable knack for fighting oxidative stress thanks to its inherent antioxidant traits. Think of it as nature's firewall against harmful reactive oxygen species and a booster for protective molecules like superoxide dismutase (SOD). Estrogen's influence doesn't stop there. It has a profound impact on the brain, guiding neurons that oversee the cardiovascular system. Plus, it's a diplomat, quelling the fire of inflammation markers associated with ailments like atherosclerosis.

But as nature has it, post-menopausal estrogen depletion is as natural as the setting sun. This depletion makes it all the more imperative for post-menopausal women to harness other heart-healthy avenues.

Enter phytoestrogens. Think of these as nature's mimics, imitating estrogen but with a far milder potency. Compounds like genistein and spruce lignans are not just potential aides against those pesky menopausal hot flashes; they're intertwined with heart health, too. There's intriguing evidence linking these vasomotor symptoms with potential disruptions in cardiovascular wellness.

But our toolkit continues after phytoestrogens. Gamma-oryzanol, a treasure derived from rice bran oil, shows promise in bolstering heart health, especially when considering lipid metabolism. Preliminary studies show that it might assist in reducing cholesterol and even easing menopausal symptoms.

Add taurine to this health-promoting lineup. This little amino acid, brimming with antioxidant properties, could be a game-changer for post-menopausal women. Early studies spotlight its potential to enhance overall antioxidant status, a beacon of hope for heart health and graceful aging.

The conversation around heart health is complete with discussing the potent potential of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). As the modern world pushes boundaries in medicine, ERT emerges as a pivotal player in the post-menopausal arena. Reintroducing estrogen into the body isn't just about symptom relief or a throwback to youthful vitality—it's a calculated move toward cardiovascular protection. Recent studies are increasingly leaning toward the idea that ERT can help reinforce the heart's defenses, especially when initiated close to the onset of menopause. ERT bridges the post-menopausal cardiovascular gap by actively mitigating the sharp drop in estrogen, a hormone intrinsically linked to cardioprotection. However, like any medical intervention, ERT isn't a one-size-fits-all. The decision to embark on ERT should be deeply personal, guided by thorough discussions with healthcare professionals and an understanding of both the benefits and potential risks.
In sum, while the natural ebb of estrogen post-menopause is undeniable, it's far from the end of the story. The path to heart health is paved with innovative solutions, from phytoestrogens to taurine. For the women navigating the post-menopausal journey, embracing these nutritional allies might be the key to a heart-healthy future.

Bio-identical Hormones vs Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Explore the contrast between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) for menopause symptoms. Contact FemGevity for personalized treatment options and risk assessment.

First off, let's start by saying that bio-identical hormone therapy is a type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).  They can be considered on in the same. Very often when the general population is speaking of HRT they are referring to synthetic hormones or hormones that are made by drug companies vs bio-identical hormones which are most commonly made by compounding pharmacies in small batches. In this article when we refer to bio-identical hormones we are talking about compounded hormones and when we speak on HRT we are referring to synthetic drug company hormones.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) are both treatment options for women experiencing symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and sleep disturbances.

HRT typically refers to the use of synthetic hormones, such as conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), which are chemically identical or similar to the hormones produced by the human body.

BHT, on the other hand, uses hormones that are identical to the hormones produced by the human body, such as estradiol and progesterone. These hormones are typically derived from natural sources, such as plants, and are formulated to be chemically identical to the hormones produced by the human body.

One of the main differences between HRT and BHT is that HRT is FDA-approved, while BHT is not. This means that HRT has undergone clinical trials and has been found to be safe and effective for its intended use, while BHT has not undergone the same level of testing.

Another difference between HRT and BHT is that HRT is typically prescribed in a "one-size-fits-all" dosage, while BHT is often customized to the individual patient's needs based on their hormone levels and symptoms. This means that HRT may not be as effective for some women as BHT, which is tailored to their specific hormone levels and symptoms.

Your FemGevity healthcare provider will discuss the best treatment options for your individual needs, and to weigh the benefits and risks of any treatment options.

What is Bi-est bioidentical hormone cream?

Discover how bi-est hormone cream, a combination of bioidentical estrogen and bioidentical estriol, can help alleviate menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Learn about the specific ratio of estradiol to estriol in Biest 80/20 and how it's commonly prescribed to help prevent bone loss.

Bi-est hormone cream, also known as"bi-est cream," is a type of hormone therapy that can be used to help balance hormones for those experiencing menopause symptoms. It's a combination of bioidentical estrogen and bioidentical estriol.

Bi-est 80/20 refers to a specific ratio of the three estrogen hormones found in Biest hormone replacement therapy. The"80/20" refers to the ratio of estradiol to estriol. In this specific ratio, 80% of the hormone mixture is estradiol and 20% is estriol. This ratio is commonly prescribed because estradiol is the most potent of the three estrogens and is responsible for many of the beneficial effects of estrogenre placement therapy, while estriol is a weaker estrogen that is believed to have fewer side effects. This ratio is commonly prescribed to alleviate symptoms of menopause and to help prevent bone loss. However, it's important to note that it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any hormone replacement therapy.

During menopause, our bodies go through changes that can lead to symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Bi-est hormone cream can help by providing the body with the hormones it needs to balance out these changes.

The great thing about bi-est cream is that it's made with bioidentical hormones, which means they're chemically identical to the hormones produced by our bodies. This makes them safer to use and less likely to cause side effects than traditional hormone replacement therapy.

The estrogen component in bi-est cream can help reduce hot flashes and night sweats, as well as improve vaginal dryness and bone health. The progesterone component helps to balance the effects of estrogen and can also help with mood swings and sleep disturbances.

Many women have found bi-est cream to be very helpful in managing their menopause symptoms and enjoying a better quality of life. It's important to note that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. It's always best to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if bi-est cream is right for you.

It's also important to mention that bi-estcream should not be used as a form of birth control. It's also not recommended for women who have had breast cancer or are at high risk of breast cancer.

Bi-est hormone cream can be a helpful tool for managing menopause symptoms. It's made with bioidentical hormones that are chemically identical to the hormones produced by our bodies, making them safer to use and less likely to cause side effects. If you're experiencing menopause symptoms, consult with your healthcare provider to determine if bi-est cream is right for you. Remember, every person is different and what works for one person may not work for another. But, with the right treatment, you can feel like yourself again and enjoy a better quality of life during this new chapter of your life